OCDC // World Making Matter / PROJECT ARCHIVE // 1998-2010 /
Tiger-to-Tiger / Web Index Edition >

Copyright 1998-2019

2005 // Upcycle House /
The hybrid model
Is it possible to look at the car industry as inspiration for designing a new sustainable urban planning strategy? Toyota Prius technology could be a good example. Its innovation is not just a cool designed automobile with an intricate engine part powered by electricity and part gasoline that saves energy, but also the potential to infiltrate the comfort of the consumer market that is dominated by gas powered vehicles. Utopic paradigm-shift models like fuel cell technology requires costly revamp of fundamental infrastructure for transportation services and its economy. By contrast, the hybrid technology was able to ease its way to the acceptance of the general public around the world. Its achievement is not merited purely by the technological advancement for energy efficiency, but also its effectiveness to be marketed to the mass culture by promoting the idea of sustainability.
Attention shoppers! All building components can be purchased through mail order or at any Auto-Sustainable building material nursery center near you.
Project Lead: Andy Ku // Project Team: Andy Ku, Kam Ku, Lionel Lambourn, Richard Yoo

